Who is eligible for a buy side pass?

Who is eligible for a complimentary buy side pass:
‘Buy side’ firms are any end user client who have AUM on their books and do not have any trading clients – so buy side firms are asset managers, hedge funds, mutual funds, insurance companies, pension funds, CTAs and corporates.

Any firm that have trading clients of their own- sell side tier 1, 2 and 3 banks, broker dealers, prime brokers, prime of primes, ETF providers (including asset manager ETF issuers), technology providers, platforms and venues- do not fall into the definition of a ‘buy side’ firm.


Buy Side Leaders

    • Access to all content

    • Access to Interactive Workshops and Roundtables

    • Access to Networking and Virtual Chat

Solution Providers

    • Access to all content that is not buy side only

    • Pre-Event Networking Access

    • Access to Networking and Virtual Chat