Terrence Fox

Head of Innovation iAdvize

As a semi professional endurance athlete I thrive in challenging environments and live to push boundaries. To say this attitude spills over into my work would be an understatement. My time as a trusted consultant for worldwide Hospitality Executives at TripAdvisor and marketing innovator for global Enterprises at HubSpot created a fascination with brand saliency and consumer perception. 2020 has tasked retail brands with differentiating through a unique brand experience. The retail rollercoaster ride continues.

Day One – August 24, 2020: Meeting Customer Needs Amidst Recession And Pandemic


1. ROUNDTABLE: Improve Digital CX To Drive Engagement, Online Sales And Customer Insights

Terrence Fox, Head of Innovation iAdvize

  • Engaging with & adapting for today's "always-on" consumer
  • Improve brand saliency: Creating a memorable CX to drive incremental sales and boost customer lifetime value
  • Why aren’t visitors buying? Unlocking actionable insights through peer to peer, authentic conversations
  • COVID Q4: how eCommerce innovators are preparing. Strategies and tactics for the wildest holiday shopping season in history

2. ROUNDTABLE: Optimizing A Shrinking Budget In Times Of A Pandemic

Janet Jaiswal, SVP of Marketing, ZineOne

Uncertainty due to COVID-19 has driven down the Marketing budget as well as consumer demand. Many companies are being asked to do more with less. Join this roundtable to explore:

  • Challenges faced by companies as budgets shrink, uncertainty rises, and consumer spending declines
  • How to meet the dilemma posed by increasing digital traffic, and overstrained fulfillment capabilities, compounded with high consumer expectations
  • Strategies on how to increase digital purchases with less money spent on offers and incentives